In the Fall of 2016, LEGO Ninjago (the popular Cartoon Network Television Show and product line) launched an immersive new experience to accompany the "Ninjago: Day of the Departed" television special. The child users were welcomed into the haunted Hall of Villainy, where they were free to fly to each statue of the villains of season past as well as learning more about the mystical Yang Blade.
To achieve this enveloping experience, the user experience design team partnered closely with content strategy to storyboard this exciting video and html 5 mashup. Working with same studio responsible for the TV series, we storyboarded out a spirited first person video that allowed users to be pulled into the front doors of the Ninjago Museum and zoom from point to point. Additionally, the users were greeted with exclusive character info and facts that they could only learn about through this experience. For mobile, we developed a handheld specific experience that allowed users to access the same great content without the latency of loading a video file.
Role: User Experience Design & Strategy, Visual Design Direction, Team Lead
Completed in early 2013, The HealtheMinder App was a health tracking tool that allowed users to monitor weight, blood pressure, caloric intake, glucose levels, medication and upcoming appointments.
The app was offered as an iOS and Android app.
Role: User Experience Design & Strategy, Visual Design Direction
Tied to the launch of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, LEGO Star Wars launched an exciting new experience centered around the 4 color-keyed Squadrons. Users were encouraged to take monthly released missions that put their Star Wars knowledge and creativity to the test... and by successfully doing so, contribute a new ship to the Galactic Rebel Fleet.
The first step in the design process was a comprehensive wireframe and prototype phase that was tested at a LEGOLAND Discovery Center in Boston within the first few weeks of the project. During the testing phase, the team discovered that some of the initial marketing messaging required some additional revisions to ensure a better experience for the child users. After the test, we made a strategic pivot to focus on the Squadrons rather than the Death Star construction to better satisfy the play needs of the core age group.
After several iterations and follow up field tests, the new design was validated at a test in Hartford prior to release.
Role: User Experience Design & Strategy, Visual Design Direction, Researcher, Team Lead
In early 2017, The Dark Knight broke out into his very own feature full length movie due to his memorable battitude laden performance in 2014's, The LEGO Movie. During the year leading up to the movie launch, and in partnership with Warner Brothers, the user experience design team set out to create a tabloid style blog to capture all of the exciting news and information about the caped crusader as it became available.
Role: User Experience Design & Strategy, Visual Design Direction, Researcher, Team Lead
Completed in the Summer of 2013, The Hospital of Central Connecticut sought to create several websites that spotlighted the most valuable asset the hospital has — their doctors. The websites featured a dynamically expanding grid system and a custom MapBox integration solution.
Role: User Experience Design & Strategy, Visual Design Direction, Team Lead
In the Fall of 2014, fans of LEGO Star Wars were asked to "Choose Your Side" in a epic global battle between the Light Side and Dark Side. Users could then visually track the battle for digital supremacy via the "Force-O-Meter," a two sided lightsaber that displayed how each side was trending. Users were enabled to choose their side by uploading LEGO creations, choosing the outcomes of videos, forming alliances, picking product match-ups and playing games on the website.
For thier efforts, they were rewarded with exclusive content based on how they were trending.
Role: User Experience Design & Strategy, Visual Design Direction
In the Spring of 2016, LEGO Ninjago (the popular Cartoon Network Television Show and product line) launched an exciting new campaign for fans the world over. Kids were asked to "Join the Wu-Cru" to sharpen their skills and harness the wisdom of the ninja. This global campaign was activated through messaging on packaging, a US mobile tour obstacle course, a YouTube short form content series and a web and mobile experience encourging kids to find thier inner ninja.
On this project the user experience design team worked closely with content strategy to develop an enticing training experience for the children users. These type of training exercises consist of LEGO building challenges, Quizes, Seek and Finds and game missions. Over the course of 2 weeks, we developed a fully functional prototype that included some more challenging user tasks (especially children aged 7-11) such as log-in and registration flows. The prototype was then tested at an International School in Vejle in a statistical usability test. Late in the design phase, we were challenged to add a 'Leveling Up' system that needed to be intuitive and meaningful for the young users.
To do this, we utilized the various ninja 'guis or outfits that had been used throughout the several seasons of the show to tell the story of level progression. We then devised a reward system that would tie in closely to the television show's emphasis of metals and gemstones to motivate users to stay engaged with the level up missions. This was then tested several times again prior to the rpoduct release.
By the end of 2016, the Wu-Cru experience had resulted in a 15% lift in site visitors and a 48% increase in users submitting LEGO creations in the site gallery.
Role: User Experience Design & Strategy, Visual Design Direction, Reseacher, Team Lead
In the Fall of 2014, The LEGO Star Wars team requested assistance in defining an experience that allowed child users to create an epic Star Wars posters that they could then share, download and print. The user experience design team provided user flows, and different concepts to help better realize the end users,
Role: User Experience Design & Strategy, Creative Concepting